Day Nine: Learning fun for four-year-olds
Categories: Resource Page
Get Connected: The Dessert Debate
There isn’t a feeding topic as loaded as what to do about dessert. Many parents battle with kids each evening about how often, what and how much they’ll get. If you are sick and tired of struggling with your kids about dessert then this video is for you. Find out whether using dessert as a reward is a good idea or not and get help to plan your stress-free dessert strategy.
ACTIVITY: Baby Guru Nutrition kids cooking lesson
Have you ever seen a five-year-old cook their own hot lunch? Neither had we! Your four-year-old might need a little more assistance, but it’s pretty impressive to see what they’re capable of when you give them the opportunity to really get into their cooking. Lucy Belle may have an advantage as the daughter of a chef and a nutritionist, though…
ACTIVITY: How To Make an Easy Origami Dinosaur
Get Active: No Equipment Indoor PE Lesson
Are you stuck inside due to bad weather or some kind of epidemic? No worries! You can stay fit and healthy with Miss Linky!