Inspiring Kids to Stay Active: Fun Ways to Get Them Moving
Categories: General Parenting
5 minute read
Do you like to move it move it? If you’re tired already and need a boost just to finish this post, click here for some inspirational theme music.
We hear over and over from media and magazines (plus our one friend who religiously does Crossfit) about the importance of movement. How it makes our bodies and brains feel better if we will just get the blood pumping. Very few people would disagree with this idea and most recognize that it is something our children should do too. The problem is that for most of us, we can struggle getting children (and ourselves) in motion.
Research tells us that movement really does help how we feel mentally and emotionally. ParentTV expert Dr. Jodie Lowinger teaches us about the power of movement in the mind/body connection to help our children cope with anxiety. We learn from her that exercise is one of the strategies that help stabilize our moods and stimulates the release of feel good neurochemicals.
Maggie Dent also shares with us how we can use activity to build connection with our little ones. She encourages us to creatively step into their world rather than just requiring them to come into ours. When we choose to join them on their level, we are building a love bridge between our hearts.
Knowing where to get started with our little ones who may require more guidance than our older children and teens can be the most difficult part. Here are some great ideas you can try today!
Ready to have some moving monkeys? Join Liz as she guides us through some fun ways to develop balance and get the wiggles out.
Miss Maddi guides our little ones on a dancing journey to finding faraway friends that involves stretching, movement and our imagination.
Did you know that spinning is movement? Here’s a guide to fun and safe ways to go in circles with your child.
Music can pair powerfully with movement. Not all movement has to make us out of breath and Allison Davies teaches us about swaying and how it is good for our brains.
Watch the videos referenced in the post: