Resource Support Pack for Coronavirus
Categories: General Parenting
Teachers, educators and parents, we’re so grateful to you right now.
Thank you for being on the front line of this, thank you for being available to our children and to us. Right now, you’re keeping the world spinning, and we see you.
We sincerely hope you’re not copping the brunt of the anxiety in your community at the moment. Situations like this don’t always bring out the best in people. So, the best thing we can think of to do is bring everyone back together to focus on what’s important: our kids.
This week, we’re bringing you a round-up of all the wisdom our PTV experts have offered over the past week.
In usual ParentTV style, they’re short, smart, snappy and practical videos, memes and quote cards. Share them far and wide with everyone in your community: parents, carers and anyone else you think might benefit from hearing some sound, sane advice at this time.
And, while we’re in the business of helping parents and educators to help our kids, we also know that self-care is equally important. You know how when you fly, you’re always told to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others?
This video is just for the grown-ups. Breathe deep. You’ve got this.
Moving from Coronavirus Anxiety to Effective Action
Clinical Psychologist Dr Jodie Lowinger, details a simple, 3-step plan for helping us recognise and alleviate the stress and anxiety we’re all feeling about the pandemic.
Coronavirus For Parents
As schools and childcare centres around the world start closing their doors in response to the coronavirus, Jason gives us three practical tips on how to manage this time with your children.
Questions From Kids About Coronavirus Answered
Jason Gibson answers questions asked by children around what is happening in the world about Coronavirus. In these videos, Jason is talking to kids about these questions and recommends that parents and carers watch it with them to open the conversation.
Questions From Tweens & Teens About Coronavirus Answered
In these videos, Jason is talking to your tween or teen about these questions and recommends that parents and carers watch it with them to open the conversation.
Anxiety and The Coronavirus
There are three important things you can do to help your kids through the current situation in a way that will ultimately help them build resilience.
Here’s some of our top picks from the ParentTV library on helping kids (and adults!) with anxiety and stress in times of disruption:
Reducing anxiety in kids with mindfulness and meditation
‘Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools at any age,’ says Dr Jodie Lowinger. ‘When we help kids to engage in mindfulness, we’re helping them to change their relationship with their thoughts.’
How predictability helps children function
‘A brain that can predict is a happy and a relaxed brain,’ says Allison Davies. Especially at times when we’re all feeling uncertain about what the future will hold, routine and repetition can help us feel safe.
Social Connection While Socially Distancing
We are organisms of attachment, and we’re meant to be socially connecting, not socially distancing. We need to find ways to be together right now when we’re physically apart.’
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From front-page news to playground gossip, there is no escaping Coronavirus!
Many parents are wondering how to approach their kids about the epidemic in a way that will be reassuring and not make them more worried than they already are!
The uncertainty that we are grappling with is challenging enough for us as adults…but it’s also hard on our kids.
Dr Justin Coulson’s Happy Families shares with us:
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If your child is feeling scared and worried about what is unfolding at the moment we have put together a series of videos with Jason from Lunch with Jason speaking to your kids directly about what is happening … feel free to watch them with your kids and if you want to get on a list to receive daily family togetherness support based on the age of your children with ideas and videos of things you can do with your kids alongside some extraordinary social and emotional support for yourself as a parent and your kids you can find out more here
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If you’re experiencing high stress and anxiety given the levels of uncertainty and worry regarding COVID-19 you’re not alone.
Here’s a 3 step process that you can put in place now to help you to move from anxiety to effective action from Dr Jodie Lowinger from Sydney Anxiety Clinic.
Looking for help for adults trying to look after themselves and their kids during this time? Check out what’s on ParentTV here:
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You may be feeling a bit frustrated at the debate over whether or not our kids should be at school, and whether or not we should be at work, too. It’s hard not having all the answers, and there’s a fair bit of stress and anxiety in our community right now. But, the last thing we want is for our kids to pick up on it and attempt to carry the stress of a pandemic on their little shoulders. We can’t let that happen.
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Are your kids feeling worried about coronavirus? Even if they haven’t got a full understanding of the issue, they’re probably picking up on how others in their community are feeling, acting and talking about it. This incomplete understanding and vague sense of an impending threat can be really scary for them.