Dr Kristy Goodwin

Dr Kristy Goodwin is one of Australia’s leading digital wellbeing and performance experts (and mum who also deals with her kids’ techno-tantrums!). She’s a researcher, author, speaker and media commentator who provides science-backed solutions to optimise wellbeing and productivity in a digital world.

Dr Kristy translates the latest research into practical and digestible information for parents who want peace-of-mind and evidence-based information about parenting in the digital age (without having to ban the iPad or unplug the TV).


Navigating addictive technology when it comes to our little ones

Dr Kristy Goodwin

Navigating addictive technology when it comes to our little ones

Have you watched The Social Dilemma documentary on Netflix?  Did it give you a scare and raise concerns for your child’s tech habits (and your own)?  What now when it comes to...

A Parents' Guide to YouTube - Masterclass

Dr Kristy Goodwin

A Parents' Guide to YouTube - Masterclass

YouTube can be a great learning tool for children and provide a window into the world. But there are risks associated with it, including inappropriate content, language and users. Here's...

Raising Screenagers

Dr Kristy Goodwin

Raising Screenagers

In this presentation, Dr Kristy Goodwin shares advice to ensure that you are well-equipped - despite perhaps having a lack of knowledge in technology - to help you to help...

Plugged-in Childhoods

Dr Kristy Goodwin

Plugged-in Childhoods

As parents, we are surrounded by technology that seems to entice our children to spend more time on screens than outside with family or friends. In this live event Dr...

Raising Boys in a Digital World

Dr Kristy Goodwin

Raising Boys in a Digital World

In this live event, Dr Kristy Goodwin helps confused and concerned parents make informed decisions about how to best manage technology at home with their sons.

Technology & Testosterone

Dr Kristy Goodwin

Technology & Testosterone

In this seminar, Dr Kristy Goodwin arms parents and professionals with research based information about the positives and negatives associated with our boys and screens.

Stop screens sabotaging sleep

Dr Kristy Goodwin

Stop screens sabotaging sleep

Sleep is vital for kids' and teen's wellbeing, development and overall health. They require both good quality sleep and an adequate amount. Yet, the research states that many of our...


Why can’t I put my phone down?

Dr Kristy provides guilt-free advice about how to best tame our phone use. Understand the science and psychology behind why we’re attached to our phones and gadgets (there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with us). This video will help you to appreciate how our phones cater for our basic human needs and have an impact on our brains and emotional well-being. You’ll learn simple, realistic ways to develop healthy tech habits (without suggesting that you never use your phone around your child) so you can be a great role model for your kids.

Is it okay to use screens on play dates?

Dr Kristy highlights some of the potential pitfalls and risks if parents and carers allow kids to use technology at playdates- both for kids and parents alike. She’ll share some powerful stories of some of the digital mishaps that have occured on playdates and outline why it’s usually best to avoid screens on playdates. You’ll also learn simple and polite ways to handle this tricky conversation with other parents, without offending them, or ruining friendships.

How much screen-time is healthy for my 2-5 years old?

One of the main ‘digital dilemmas’ facing modern parents today is, ‘How much screen-time is healthy and harmful for my child?’ Dr Kristy will share the current screen-time recommendations and also why we don’t need to obsess over ‘how much’ screen-time our kids accumulate each day. Instead, she’ll suggest other critical questions that parents and carers must ask to ensure that their little one’s device time is healthy and helpful and will give parents a no-fuss, easy-to-remember formula to calculate an appropriate screen-time limit for your child (so you can finally ditch the guesswork and guilt for good!)

What are some guilt-free (even educational) ideas for screen-time for pre-schoolers?

There are so many apps, websites, digital devices and toys that claim to be ‘educational’. But are they really? In this video Dr Kristy debunks the myths and misinformation about educational screen-time for pre-schoolers and shares some simple, accessible ideas for getting the most out of kids’ screen-time. Parents and carers will be equipped with an extensive list of screen ideas that they can use with their little one, that will not only help them to stop feeling guilty about TV or iPad time and will also help their child learn.

How much screen-time is appropriate for my 5-8 year old?

In this video Dr Kristy helps parents understand screen-time limits. You’ll learn what the current recommendations are for young kids and how you can use these as a guide to determining how much time your child should be spending online. Kristy will share her simple formula for calculating how much time your child should spend online. This video will also highlight why focusing exclusively on ‘how much’ screen-time kids are having isn’t the most important question parents and carers need to be asking.

How can I keep my child safe online?

Dr Kristy will outline the current online safety risks facing young children today. Kristy will share the 3Ps- pornography, predators and peers (cyber-bullying). You’ll be armed with facts, not fears, about simple and effective ways that you can ensure your child’s safety online, without having to ban the iPad or unplug the computer. This video is a must-watch for any worried parents and carers, who want peace of mind that their child’s online time is safe.

Is it okay to hand over my phone if my child tells me they’re bored?

Most of us have handed over our smartphone to calm down a screaming child at their sibling’s swimming lesson, or given in to our child’s non-stop whinging about being bored waiting at the doctor’s surgery, by handing over our smartphone or the iPad. However, many parents fret about this habit. Is it okay to do this? How can I stop my child developing a dependence on the device? In this video Dr Kristy arms parents with research-based advice about using screens as a digital pacifier and suggests a range of practical ideas to ensure that your child develops healthy technology habits from the start (and doesn’t always rely on your phone for entertainment the minute they’re bored, upset, or dealing with other big emotions.) Kristy shares simple advice, without making you feel guilty or worried.

What times of the day should I limit or avoid screens?

Kristy will explain why timing when kids use screens is critical for their health and well-being. She’ll explore how kids’ sleep and attention spans can be compromised if they’re using screens at particular times of the day. Kristy won’t tell you to ban or completely avoid screens (that’s unrealistic and unhelpful), but she will outline why parents and carers need to make careful choices about the types of screen activities kids engage in at certain times of the day.

Learn if it's okay to use screen-time as a digital reward or punishment tool

Many parents dangle the ‘digital carrot’ to entice kids to behave or motivate their behaviour, or ban the gaming console, or the TV as a form of punishment. Dr Kristy explain whether we should use screens as a reward and/or punishment tool, without making you feel guilty if this is what you’re currently doing. You’ll understand why using screen-time to reward behaviour is only effective in the short-term and how it alters your relationship with your child. This video will also help you to appreciate why punishing kids with screens can have detrimental consequences.

Technology Time For Siblings of Different Ages

Digital and technology expert Dr Kristy Goodwin answers ParentTV members question: “As a parent of three young children (Seven, Four and One) I am beginning to see difficulties in ensuring they are all exposed to age-appropriate media. My concern is that while we were strict with our oldest child about the television and movies he watched, as he ages this is becoming more challenging to prevent his younger brother watching material that is appropriate for our eldest but not for him. Though our children do not yet have a games system, this is planned to occur for my eldest when he reaches Ten. However, our second child will, therefore, have access at Seven. Obviously, this issue will continue to occur. What are some tips and suggestions to combat this and to ensure that children of all ages are able to access age-appropriate materials without impacting on siblings?”

The Dangers of Feeding a Child with a Device

Technology wellbeing expert Dr Kristy answers and ParentTV member’s question: “The dangers of feeding your child with a device and when the child will only eat with a device. From a childcare educator’s perspective, how to tell parents in a supportive and firm way that this practice is not okay!”

Fortnite, Youtube and balancing screen time

Technology expert Dr Kristy Goodwin answers a ParentTV member’s ‘Ask An Expert’ question: “We try and limit screens during the week but lately we’ve had some issues where Master 11 has snuck devices during the week including today on a sick day, first I caught him with an iPhone, then an iPod, then a Samsung tablet, these are my husband’s devices – clearly he needs to change his password!

My biggest concern in all of this is I am worried that my son lives and breathes Fortnite, he watches it on Youtube when he’s not playing it…he’s getting behind at school, doesn’t read etc. My question is how to encourage him to play or watch you tube less often? I suspect its about us as parents firming the boundaries but how to do this calmly without too much conflict?”

Navigating addictive technology when it comes to our little ones

Join leading child technology specialist Dr Kristy Goodwin as she gives expert advice for parents on how to best navigate addictive technology when it comes to our kids.
– Outline issues raised in The Social Dilemma (ie. persuasive design techniques that get kids (and adults) hooked on screens, why kids throw techno-tantrums and find it hard to switch off)
– Focus on practical strategies that parents can implement with preschoolers (toddlers too) to help form healthy digital habits from the start (with an emphasis on apps, games and TV for this age group)
– Practical strategies to help parents manage their time online (.e.g disable non-essential alerts and notifications, out of sight, out of mind strategy)

Why does my child throw techno-tantrums?

Kristy explains the neuroscience behind why your child throws techno-tantrums. Unlike regular’ tantrums, techno-tantrums persist way past three years of age. There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with your child and no, it doesn’t mean they’re addicted to technology, or that you should ban the device. In fact, they’re having a ‘typical’ neurobiological response. This video will help confused and concerned parents understand their child’s behaviour and best of all be armed with simple (mum-tested) strategies to prevent them from occurring.

A Parent's Guide to Youtube Masterclass

Dr Kristy Goodwin explains everything you need to know about YouTube from the risks, to benefits, and provides insights on how to keep kids healthy and safe when using the platform.

Raising Screenagers

Dr Kristy Goodwin shares insights on raising ‘Screen-agers and provides tips on helping parents navigate the digital world with teens.

Plugged-In Childhoods

In this live event, Dr Kristy Goodwin seeks to empower parents and carers with practical tips on how to raise their children in the digital age, whilst unravelling the difficulties of modern parenting.

Raising Boys in a Digital World

In this live event, Dr Kristy Goodwin helps confused and concerned parents make informed decisions about how to best manage technology at home with their sons.

Technology & Testosterone

In this seminar, Dr Kristy Goodwin arms parents and professionals with research based information about the positives and negatives associated with our boys and screens.

Stop screens sabotaging sleep

In this mini masterclass, Dr Kristy Goodwin explores reasons why kids and teens need sleep, how much they need at different ages, and how technologty before bed can compromis their sleep. She further provides practical solutions on ways to promote healthy sleeping habits in this digital age.

How much screen-time is healthy for my pre-schooler 2-5 years old?

One of the main ‘digital dilemmas’ facing modern parents today is, ‘How much screen-time is healthy and harmful for my child?’ Dr Kristy will share the current screen-time recommendations and also why we don’t need to obsess over ‘how much’ screen-time our kids accumulate each day. Instead, she’ll suggest other critical questions that parents and carers must ask to ensure that their little one’s device time is healthy and helpful and will give parents a no-fuss, easy-to-remember formula to calculate an appropriate screen-time limit for your child (so you can finally ditch the guesswork and guilt for good!)



Ask an Expert

Dealing with Tween Techno Tantrums and Meltdowns

Digital and technology expert Dr Kristy Goodwin answers ParentTV members question: “What does it mean and how do I manage a complete meltdown from my 10 year old son when he either has to get off technology or has lost the privilege of using technology due to poor behaviour etc. My son absolutely loses his mind…’I hate myself, I hate my life, I hate my family…’ type ranting, screaming?”

Technology Time For Siblings of Different Ages

Digital and technology expert Dr Kristy Goodwin answers ParentTV members question: “As a parent of three young children (Seven, Four and One) I am beginning to see difficulties in ensuring they are all exposed to age-appropriate media. My concern is that while we were strict with our oldest child about the television and movies he watched, as he ages this is becoming more challenging to prevent his younger brother watching material that is appropriate for our eldest but not for him. Though our children do not yet have a games system, this is planned to occur for my eldest when he reaches Ten. However, our second child will, therefore, have access at Seven. Obviously, this issue will continue to occur. What are some tips and suggestions to combat this and to ensure that children of all ages are able to access age-appropriate materials without impacting on siblings?”

The Dangers of Feeding a Child with a Device

Technology wellbeing expert Dr Kristy answers and ParentTV member’s question: “The dangers of feeding your child with a device and when the child will only eat with a device. From a childcare educator’s perspective, how to tell parents in a supportive and firm way that this practice is not okay!”

Fortnite, Youtube and balancing screen time

Technology expert Dr Kristy Goodwin answers a ParentTV member’s ‘Ask An Expert’ question: “We try and limit screens during the week but lately we’ve had some issues where Master 11 has snuck devices during the week including today on a sick day, first I caught him with an iPhone, then an iPod, then a Samsung tablet, these are my husband’s devices – clearly he needs to change his password!

My biggest concern in all of this is I am worried that my son lives and breathes Fortnite, he watches it on Youtube when he’s not playing it…he’s getting behind at school, doesn’t read etc. My question is how to encourage him to play or watch you tube less often? I suspect its about us as parents firming the boundaries but how to do this calmly without too much conflict?”


¿CUÁNTO TIEMPO FRENTE A LA PANTALLA ES SALUDABLE PARA MI HIJO DE PRE-ESCOLAR (DE 2 A 5 AÑOS)? (How much screen-time is healthy for my 2-5 year old?)

Uno de los principales «dilemas digitales» que enfrentan los padres modernos hoy en día es: ¿Cuánto tiempo frente a la pantalla es saludable y cuánto tiempo es perjudicial para mi hijo? La Dra. Kristy compartirá las pautas actuales sobre el tiempo frente a la pantalla y también explicará por qué no necesitamos obsesionarnos con la «cantidad» de tiempo frente a la pantalla que acumulan nuestros hijos cada día. En cambio, propondrá otras preguntas críticas que los padres y cuidadores deben hacerse para asegurarse de que el tiempo que sus pequeños pasen con el dispositivo sea sano y útil. Además, les dará una fórmula sencilla y fácil de recordar para calcular un límite de tiempo frente a la pantalla que sea apropiado para sus hijos (¡Para que finalmente se deshagan de las suposiciones y la culpa para siempre!).

One of the main ‘digital dilemmas’ facing modern parents today is, ‘How much screen-time is healthy and harmful for my child?’ Dr Kristy will share the current screen-time recommendations and also why we don’t need to obsess over ‘how much’ screen-time our kids accumulate each day. Instead, she’ll suggest other critical questions that parents and carers must ask to ensure that their little one’s device time is healthy and helpful and will give parents a no-fuss, easy-to-remember formula to calculate an appropriate screen-time limit for your child (so you can finally ditch the guesswork and guilt for good!)

¿En qué momentos del día debo limitar o evitar las pantallas? (What times of the day should I limit or avoid screens?)

Kristy te explicará por qué el momento en el que los niños usan las pantallas es importante para su salud y bienestar. Ella explorará cómo el sueño de los niños y la capacidad de atención pueden verse comprometidos si se usan pantallas en momentos específicos del día. Kristy no te dirá que prohíbas o evites completamente las pantallas (eso es poco realista y poco útil), pero describirá por qué los padres deben tomar decisiones cuidadosas sobre los tipos de actividades con pantallas en las que los niños participan en ciertos momentos del día.

¿Está bien darle el teléfono a mi hijo cuando dice que está aburrido? (Is it okay to hand over my phone if my child tells me they're bored?)

La mayoría de nosotros le hemos dado el teléfono o el iPad a nuestro hijo para calmarlo cuando grita durante la clase de natación de su hermano o cuando está aburrido mientras esperamos en el consultorio médico. Sin embargo, muchos padres se preocupan por este hábito. ¿Está bien hacer esto? ¿Cómo podemos evitar que nuestros hijos desarrollen una dependencia hacia los dispositivos electrónicos? En este video, la Dra. Kristy nos brinda consejos basados en investigaciones sobre el uso de pantallas como si fueran ‘un chupete digital’ que los calma y nos da ideas prácticas para garantizar que los niños desarrollen hábitos tecnológicos saludables desde el principio (y que no dependan siempre del teléfono para entretenerse cuando están aburridos, molestos o lidiando con otras emociones). Kristy comparte consejos simples, sin hacernos sentir culpables o preocupados.

¿Cuáles son algunas ideas libres de culpa (inclusive educativas) para poner en práctica cuando los niños en edad pre-escolar pasen tiempo frente a la pantalla? (What are some guilt free (even educational) ideas for screen-time for preschoolers?)

Hay una gran oferta de aplicaciones, páginas web, dispositivos digitales y juguetes que dicen ser “educativos”, pero, ¿lo son en realidad?. En este video la doctora Kristy desmitifica el concepto y la falta de información sobre el tiempo que niños en edad pre-escolar pasan frente a la pantalla y comparte ideas sencillas y de fácil comprensión para sacar el mejor provecho de esta situación. Los padres de familia y cuidadores tendrán a su disposición una larga lista de ideas que pueden aplicar con los niños que, no solamente les va ayudar a sentirse menos culpables por el tiempo que sus niños pasan frente al televisor o al iPad, sino que también les van a ayudar a sus niños a aprender.


一天里什么时候应该限制或者避免孩子们使用屏幕。(What times of the day should I limit or avoid screens)

一天里什么时候应该限制或者避免孩子们使用屏幕。克里斯提(Kristy)将会解释为什么限制孩子们使用屏幕的时间对他们的健康和幸福至关重要。她将会探究如果孩子们在一天中特定的时间使用屏幕的话,他们的睡眠和注意力持续时间会如何受到影响。克里斯提(Kristy)不会让你禁止或完全避免使用屏幕 (那是很不实际且无益的),但她会概述为什么父母和看护者需要对孩子们在一天中特定的时间里看的屏幕活动类型做出谨慎的选择。

对于2至5岁的学龄前儿童来说,多少屏幕时间是健康的?(How much screen-time is healthy for my preschooler 2-5 years old?)

如今,家长们面临的主要“数字困境”之一,是“对孩子们来说,多少屏幕时间是健康的,多少屏幕时间是有害的呢?” 克里斯蒂博士(Dr Kristy) 会与我们分享目前建议的屏幕时间,并且解释为什么我们不需要太专注于孩子们每天花“多少”时间在屏幕上。她会和家长与照顾者提出他们需要问的其他关键问题,来确保他们孩子的屏幕使用时间是健康且有益的。克里斯蒂博士(Dr Kristy)会给父母们一个方便且容易记住的公式来让他们给孩子计算出适宜的屏幕时间限制 (因此你就可以永远的摆脱猜测和内疚感了)。

在孩子和我说他无聊的时候,我该把手机给他吗?(Is it okay to hand over my phone if my child tells me they’re bored?)

孩子在兄弟姐妹的游泳课上大声尖叫时,我们大多数人都会把手机给他们让他们冷静下来。当孩子不停地抱怨在医生手术中等待很无聊时,我们也会把手机或者平板递给他们。然而,许多家长都对这种习惯感到担忧。这么做可以吗?如何才能阻止孩子对手机产生依赖呢?在这个视频里,对于孩子们都把手机当作“数码保姆”这个问题,克里斯提博士(Dr. Kristy)对此为家长提供了一些研究建议,并提出了一系列实用的想法来确保你的孩子从一开始就建立一个健康的电子科技习惯 (不会在无聊、沮丧、闹脾气时总是依赖手机来娱乐)。克里斯提博士(Dr. Kristy)分享了一些简单的建议,不会让您感到内疚或担心。

如何没有顾虑的让学前儿童观看电子屏幕 (What are some guilt free (even educational) ideas for screen-time for preschoolers?)


电子产品的使用可以作为奖罚孩子的工具吗?(Learn if it's okay to use screen-time as a digital reward or punishment tool)

许多家长通过电子屏幕来吸引孩子,或激励他们,或作为一种惩罚禁止孩子玩游戏机或看电视。克里斯蒂博士(Dr Kristy)阐述了我们是否应该将使用屏幕时长作为一种奖励或惩罚工具。如果您也是这样做的,那也不需要为此感到内疚。通过视频您将会了解为什么将使用屏幕时长作为对孩子的奖励只在短期内有效,以及这样的举措对你和孩子的关系将产生什么影响,以及为什么用控制屏幕时长的方式惩罚孩子会产生消极影响。


في أي ألاوقات من اليوم يجب علي الحد من أستخدام الشاشات أو تجنبها؟ (What times of the day should I limit or avoid screens)

في أي ألاوقات من اليوم يجب علي الحد من أستخدام الشاشات أو تجنبها؟ ستشرح كريستي السبب وراء أهمية توقيت استخدام الأطفال للشاشات بالنسبة لصحتهم ورفاهيتهم. وسوف تبين كيف يمكن أن تتأثر فترات نوم الأطفال وانتباههم عند استخدامهم للشاشات في أوقات معينة من اليوم. ولن تطلب كريستي حظر الشاشات أو تجنبها تماماً (هذا غير واقعي وغير مفيد)، لكنها ستوضح سبب حاجة الآباء ومقدمي الرعاية إلى اتخاذ خيارات دقيقة بشأن أنواع الأنشطة التي يقوم بها الأطفال على الشاشات في أوقات معينة من اليوم.

كم من الوقت أمام الشاشات يعد صحياً لأطفالي الذين تترواح أعمارهم من 2 إلى 5 سنوات؟ (How much sceen-time is healthy for my pre-schooler 2-5 year olds?)

إحدى “المعضلات الرقمية” الرئيسية التي تواجه الآباء المعاصرين اليوم هي، “كم من الوقت الذي يقضيه الأطفال أمام الشاشة يعدُّ صحياً وضاراً بالنسبة لهم؟”. ستشارك الدكتورة كريستي التوصيات الحالية المتعلقة بوقت الشاشة ولماذا لا نحتاج إلى القلق المفرط حول “كم الوقت” الذي يقضيه أطفالنا أمام الشاشات كل يوم. بدلاً من ذلك، ستقترح أسئلة مهمة أخرى يجب على الآباء ومقدمي الرعاية طرحها للتأكد من أن الوقت الذي يقضيه طفلهم أمام الشاشات هو وقت صحي ومفيد، وستمنح الأهالي معادلة يسهل تذكرها لاحتساب وقت الشاشة المناسب لأطفالهم (حتى يتمكنوا أخيرً من التخلص من التخمين والشعور بالذنب إلى الأبد!)

أحيانًا يشعر طفلي بالملل، فأعطيه هاتفي كمحاولة لتسليته؛ فهل هذا تصرف خاطئ؟ (Is it okay to hand over my phone if my child tells me they’re bored?)

في كثير من الأحيان نعطي هواتفنا الذكية لأطفالنا لتهدئتهم في حالات الصراخ أو البكاء في مواقف مختلفة، مثلاً خلال تدريب السباحة الخاص بالأخ الأكبر للطفل، أو كما يحدث في بعض الأحيان عندما نستسلم لبكاء أطفالنا الذي لا ينتهي عندما يشعرون بالملل أثناء الانتظار في عيادة الطبيب، فنلجأ فورًا لإعطائهم الهاتف الذكي أو الآيباد. على الرغم من ذلك، فالعديد من الآباء والأمهات يشعرون بالقلق بشأن هذه العادة. هل هذا تصرف صحيح؟ كيف أنجح في أن أجعل طفلي غير معتمد على الأجهزة الذكية؟ في هذا الفيديو، تنصح الدكتورة كريستي الآباء والأمهات بشأن هذا الموضوع بنصائح هامة مستندة إلى أبحاث علمية موثوقة، عن كيفية استخدام الشاشات والأجهزة الذكية باعتبارها سَكَّاتة رقمية للأطفال، وتقترح عليهم أيضًا مجموعة من الأفكار العملية لضمان اكتساب الطفل لعادات تكنولوجية صحيّة من البداية (وعدم الاعتماد بصورة دائمة على الهاتف الذكي كوسيلة لتسلية الأطفال بمجرد شعورهم بالملل أو التعرّض لمواقف انفعالية صعبة). في هذا الفيديو أيضًا، تتحدث معكم كريستي كأم، مثلكم تمامًا، دون أن تجعلكم تشعرون بالذنب أو بالقلق.




मुझे दिन में किस समय स्क्रीन का उपयोग सीमित करना चाहिए या उससे बचना चाहिए? (What times of the day should I limit or avoid screens?)

दिन में किस समय स्क्रीन का सीमित उपयोग करना चाहिए या उससे बचना चाहिए? क्रिस्टी बताएंगी कि जब बच्चे स्क्रीन का उपयोग करते हैं तो टाइमिंग अथवा समय उनके स्वास्थ्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण क्यों होता है। क्रिस्टी का कहना है कि यदि बच्चे दिन के किसी विशेष समय में स्क्रीन का उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो उनकी नींद और उनके ध्यान को कैसे मैनेज किया जा सकता है। क्रिस्टी आपको स्क्रीन पर प्रतिबंध लगाने या पूरी तरह से बचने के लिए नहीं कहेगी (यह अवास्तविक और अनुपयोगी है), लेकिन वह इस बात की रूपरेखा तैयार करेगी कि माता-पिता और देखभाल करने वालों को दिन के निश्चित समय में बच्चों द्वारा स्क्रीन के उपयोग की गतिविधियों के प्रकारों के बारे में सावधानीपूर्वक विकल्प बनाने की आवश्यकता क्यों है।

मेरे प्री-स्कूलर 2-5 साल के बच्चों के लिए कितना स्क्रीन-टाइम सही है? (How much screen-time is healthy for my pre-schooler 2-5 year olds?)

आज के आधुनिक माता-पिता आजकल ‘डिजिटल दुविधाओं’ का सामना कर रहे हैं कि उनके बच्चे के लिए स्क्रीन-टाइम कितना स्वस्थ और हानिकारक है? डॉ क्रिस्टी वर्तमान स्क्रीन-टाइम गाइडलाइन्स को शेयर करेंगी और यह भी बताएंगी कि हमें इस पर ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता क्यों नहीं है कि हमारे बच्चे हर दिन ‘कितना’ स्क्रीन-टाइम उपयोग करते हैं। इसके बजाय, वह अन्य महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों का सुझाव देंगी, जो माता-पिता और देखभाल करने वालों को यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहिए कि उनके बच्चे द्वारा उपयोग किया गया डिवाइस का समय स्वस्थ और सहायक है, ताकि माता-पिता को कोई परेशानी न हो। साथ ही, माता-पिता को अपने बच्चे के लिए एक उपयुक्त स्क्रीन-टाइम सीमा की गणना करने के लिए याद रखने में आसान फॉर्मूला भी बताएंगी (ताकि आप अच्छे के लिए अपराध बोध को दूर कर सकें)!